Polygraph testing of prospective employes of a law enforcement agency permitted -
Act 314
Refusal to comply with peace officer's attempt to take person into custody: penalty created -
Act 93
State fire fighters memorial and State police and fire fighters hall of fame: sites designated -
Act 217
U.W. and technical college tuition exemption for resident student who is child of slain fire fighter, correctional or law enforcement officer -
Act 228
Portage levee renovation and repair: grant provided; duty transferred to city; study authorized [Sec. 635, 678, 1698-1700, 1702-1706] -
Act 27
Vehicle weight and width limitations re Interstate 39 -
Act 113
DOA revisions re PR restructuring, document sales, interagency mail delivery and printing services [Sec. 357, 393, 1055, 1058, 1059, 1178, 9101 (3), (4)] -
Act 27
Legislative interim expenses revisions [Sec. 16q, 17f, 9137 (3g), 9337 (2t)] -
Act 27
Print-to-mail center established in DOA [Sec. 14L, 9101 (20m)] -
Act 27
Publications and mailings by state agencies: report on feasibility of sponsorship required [Sec. 9159 (14h)] [partial veto] -
Act 27
Election dates of spring primary and election, presidential preference primary and certain other dates for election procedures revised -
Act 16
Election dates of spring primary and election, presidential preference primary and certain other dates for election procedures revised -
Act 16
Health care provider loan assistance program revisions [Sec. 511, 6901-6906] -
Act 27
Incarceration costs: reimbursement by prisoner provided [Sec. 6362g, 6364g, 6373m, 6398r, 9312 (3g)]
Act 27
Indigent person's case attacking conditions of confinement: SPD representation eliminated [Sec. 1108, 7265, 7282, 9344 (1)] -
Act 27
Medical and dental services for prisoners: inmate fee and collections from third parties authorized [Sec. 6369q-6373, 9312 (2), (2g)] -
Act 27
Prison operations: PR appropriations [Sec. 783x] -
Act 27
Prisoner actions against DOC prohibited until administrative remedies have been exhausted [Sec. 7141g, 9310 (3x), 9410 (3x)] -
Act 27
Prisoner committed to DOC custody: contracting for confinement in another state authorized -
Act 344
Prisoner escapes: notification of victims and witnesses -
Act 74
Public records access and claims against governmental bodies: laws revised -
Act 158
Purchased goods, care and services for prisoners at adult institutions: funding revised re population adjustments; funds to be released re increase in intensive sanctions populations [Sec. 9133 (2), 9212 (1), (3), (5)-(7), 9234 (2), 9400]
Act 416
UC law revisions re benefits, tax changes, cooperative sickness care associations, appeals and hearings, wage concealment and evidence of social security number
Act 118
Correctional institution construction or expansion: DOA to provide certain information to Building commission [Sec. 18m, n] -
Act 27
Maximum security correctional institution: new facility to be established [Sec. 2099g, 6363g, h, 6365g]
Act 27
McNaughton correctional center property in Oneida county: land exchange authorized [Sec. 9112 (2x)] [partial veto] -
Act 27
Prison expansion project under state building program re 1995 WisAct 27: bonding authority increased; federal funding provision -
Act 388
State building program modifications [Sec. 9108 (2), (3)-(7)] [9108 (7) — partial veto] -
Act 27
Prison industry programs and products sale by nonprofit or tax-supported agencies: approval by Prison industries board required -
Act 389
County prisoner maintenance costs: recovery of expenses permitted; establishment of work camps authorized
Act 281
Prison industries in correctional institutions for children authorized [Sec. 6355, 6382, 6383, 6386-6391, 6394, 6401-6403, 9412 (1)] -
Act 27
Prison industries program for employment of inmates: DOC may lease space to private business; JCF approval re selection of business or lease; work release room and board payment provisions [Sec. 6384, 6385, 6393, 6395, 6398p, 6400, 9312 (2h), 9412 (2)] [6384 — partial veto]
Act 27
Prison industries sale of recycling by-products authorized; interest payment provisions revised
Act 241
Prison industry programs and products sale by nonprofit or tax-supported agencies: approval by Prison industries board required -
Act 389
Secure work program [chain gang]: DOC authorized to establish [Sec. 8, 9, 9133 (3t), 9234 (3x), 9400] [partial veto]
Act 416
Specialized training and employment program (STEP) to reduce prisoner recidivism: funding and positions provided [Sec. 9112 (1), 9212 (2), (6), 9400] -
Act 416
WCC project revisions re partnership projects and DOC [Sec. 248m, r, 6399m] -
Act 27
Child abuse or neglect records and reports: disclosure provision expanded -
Act 369
Child abuse or neglect records and reports: disclosure to voluntary reporters permitted; procedure set
Act 275
Confidential client information sharing among county services departments permitted -
Act 64
Custodial parent allowed to obtain information about noncustodial parent; conditions specified
Act 187
Dangerous weapons possession by pupil: release of peace officers' records to school district administration
Act 173
Digitized images of applicants for driver's licenses and ID cards authorized -
Act 113
DORL or examining or credentialing board misconduct investigations: information disclosure provisions
Act 230
Health care records of minors and developmentally disabled: access to by parent, guardian or protection and advocacy agency revised -
Act 169
Insurance fraud: civil immunity created for persons who report -
Act 177
Juvenile court record information disclosure and victim notification -
Act 352
Juvenile justice code created -
Act 77
Juvenile justice code revisions -
Act 352
Medical information and medical history: noncustodial parent required to provide to court; joint custody provision
Act 375
Nude or partially nude photograph or other visual representations: taking, possessing or distributing without subject's consent prohibited; exceptions provided
Act 249
Paternity determination proceedings and disclosure of court records -
Act 275
Privacy council eliminated; advocate position abolished [Sec. 32, 33, 73, 120, 315, 329, 459-461, 463, 1072, 5239, 6276, 9101 (15)] [5239 — partial veto]
Act 27
Public assistance recipients: procedures revised re public inspection of reports and disclosure of addresses
Act 361
Ride-sharing program: certain applicant information kept confidential -
Act 423
Sex offender registration reequirements revised; release of information to certain persons; D.N.A. analysis provisions; lie detector test program; interagency cooperation; testing of probationers and parolees from other states and information re move to another state -
Act 440
State building plans or specifications: records not open to public inspection [Sec. 400m, 445m, 3660m]
Act 27
Substitute care providers of CHIPS: disclosure of certain information, including HIV and hepatitis B tests, authorized -
Act 275
Veterans' vital records: service officer may obtain re benefit entitlement [Sec. 2008g, 3343u, w] -
Act 27
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